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What Type Of Cat Is Trainable?

Not all cats are trainable and some of them are not easy to train.

Take look at the different easy to train cats and some that are not easy to train.

Barman; long hair, easy to managed once a week grooming, very careless loves humans, gentle, affectionate, inquisitive will follow you around the house, very clever.

Siamese, verbal, loving, can be difficult, serious daily play, and contact to their arousing and mental status, and does not like to be left alone.

Snowshoe: An uncommon breed of cat warm, playful, great personality enjoys the indoor living.

Somali is a very intelligent, playful, active, extreme elegance grace, alertness. This type of cat can be gentle, loyal, sensitive, sense of humor cat. Has minimum care for grooming, love to play, loves water, and loves to be next to you or in the lap napping. Will capture you heart.

Pixie-Bob is a very trainable, is a bright, loyal, fully family breed. The hair can be long or short.

American Bobtail is not a wild nature cat. They have an untamed look, medium to large size.

Anatolian is a mild, kind cat, elder cats might have trouble adapt to a classic pet cat life.

Bengal’s are active, clever companions. The best friendly cat they are known for in this breed. Most pet Bengal’s are wild only in looks, not in character.

Ocicat: looks like a small wild spotted cat, fully household, energetic, affectionate, and very public despite their wild look; they are gracious, sociable, people-oriented cats without being clingy or intolerable. They are clever, dedicated, extremely adaptable companions. 

The most familiar and easily well-known cat is the Persian. This well-known cat is available in a broad range of colors and patterns. A Persian are known for quiet mild temper and a loving cat. Although easygoing, they are playful in their own way. Their long hair mats simply. General daily grooming is required, at least 20 minutes per day, with a one-hour grooming weekly to keep the hair in good condition.

Selkirk Rex is a enduring, broadminded, affectionate cat that enjoys a good embrace is not a good choice for someone with cat sensitivity as the shedding undercoat as of their breeds.

Rag doll; is finest acknowledged for its quiet and easygoing nature. Perhaps it is the gentlest and mainly laid-back of breed is biggest fully house breed of cat. Their long hair needs minimum care.

Exotic; is a passive, mild cat with a yielding tone. A thoughtful cat enjoys sitting on laps and likes comforts of home.  The grooming needs to be done each day with a weekly grooming at least for an hour.

Sphinx; is a content friend cat. A huge outgoing, aware, and very inquisitive cat, enjoys the company of humans and other pets. Their skin feels like warm, soft suede, and does need grooming also without the hair.

This is a list of some cats with some traits to help you look for a trainable cat. There are many different breeds of cats to choose from. Choosing one that is right for you and your family can be a fun experience with looking at the different breeds a deciding, which one is the right breed for you. Check out the internet and books for the different breed of cats.

After you have done a research on the different breeds, you might want to consider visiting a humane society. This can give you an idea of the some of the cats that may be looking for.  This would be a good idea to be able to find the one, which can fit the needs of the family. Cats have different personalities and traits, some need a lot of attention, and some will need a lot of grooming. With this and other factors about cats will be important to you and your family to be able to have as a friend and train.

Looking for that breed for you and your family will also be a great family project. Making this a great family project will help the cat and family adjust to each other. 

Train A Cat To Listen

Cats cannot be discipline as you would a dog. With a dog they are social dominant that can be trained to have you as the dominant one. The reason that cats will not react as a dog is that cats have social groups only by respect and social groups.

Physical punishment on cat will only result in the cat fearing you. So never, hit your cat or any physical punishment.

Train your cat to have appropriate behaviors and that they cannot do the inappropriate behaviors as you will not tolerate this type of behavior. Cats do not like surprises; an advantage that you will have on the cat, in order to be able to train by using surprise noises. Use clapping, firm voice “NO”, hissing, or water bottle to have your cat stop the unwanted behaviors. For these to be effective you must do a surprising sound immediately when the unwanted behaviors are being done. Seconds later or even when you come home and find the unwanted behavior done is not going to be effective as doing it as soon as the cat starts the unwanted behavior.

Never rub the nose of the cat. Use the face push method, pushing the palm of you hand in the cats face. This is a great way to let your cat know that biting is not acceptable, if you have a cat that is biting. Simply push the cats face back gently, do not hit the cat.

Some behaviors will not be able to train. Childproofing might be the solution to that behavior. Small plastic container, keep the valuable breakables out of reach, find our of reach places for the dangerous items so your cat cannot reach and get into them. Make sure all items that the cat might be able to get on if there is a climbing or a jumping problem is secure.

Pet stores do offer assorted sprays, creams, powders, scents, and other items to help with the training your cat. Catnip is available in different forms to help with having your cat know some of it territory. Scat mats are mats that have very little current that runs on a battery. These are great for on the counter, couch, or anything that the cat has been jumping on when your presents is not in that room. Scents in sprays and creams for furniture, litter boxes and other item that help deterrent your cat from. So they will use a scratching pole.

Place fabric that is lose woven down, or netting cats does not like to have their nails snag. Rubbing lemon, bitters, cayenne pepper, orange peelings on items that the cat is not allow playing with. Put foil paper around plants so that your cat is not digging in the dirt. Cats do not like the feel or noise from the foil paper.

Toys for actives are also import for you to help with behaviors. If you do not supply actives for the cat to do you will not be able to train your cat. Toys with catnip in them are great, scratching poles, ropes, and hoops for jumping through. You can be crafty and make items that the cat would like to play with.

Starting to train a cat when it is young is the best way, this is the easiest with you and with the cat. Less stress, your cat will learn the good behaviors easier, and you can get a handle on the natural bad behaviors.

Once of the best things to make sure that your cat is ready to train is take him to the vet for a check up and make sure he has had his shot. This is important; as if your cat is ill, you will not be able to train your cat. Also, for the groomer to maintain his fur and nails. Both of these are great to for the social part of training. Your cat will need to see these people on regular bases and if started right away, will help with the training.

Most of all Patience, love and caring for your cat will be a great gift that you can do for the training. They will love you back.

Tips On Training Your kitten

Most kittens seem irresistibly cute and fun. There are a few more things to know before you bring home your kitten. You need to research healthy types of food. You should interview a vet. You should kitten proof your house. You should pick up your plants, hide your wires. One good idea you can do is go out and find something for your kitten to hide in. when they first get home they may get a bit scared and want to find a safe  and secure place to go. This could either be a kitty condo or a kennel.

There are several problems that may occur when you bring your kitty home. Behavior problems are normal for most kittens. Most of the basic problems will include chewing on things, scratching on chairs, or defecating.

Scratching on different items can create a big problem, like scratching on your favorite chair. It’s a normal thing for a cat to scratch, but get things that are appropriate for them to scratch on. Place them around the house so that there is not just one scratching post. Make sure that you trim your kittens nails at least once a week. If there continues to be a reoccurring problem with scratching you may want to consider having them de-clawed. If you don't want your kitten to be de-clawed, you should be able to go to the pet store to purchase booties. This will help them from scratching on furniture or other things.

Sometimes kittens will chew on different things, such as strings from mini-blinds, curtains, pretty much anything that sways and could catch their attention. You should take your cords and place them out of reach or just unplug them. You can also get a special cover for the cords. 

You will want to keep a close eye on your kitten. Make sure that your kitten is not snagging their claws on your curtains; if they do they have the chance of ripping one of their nails out. This same rune should apply for your carpet, and throw rugs. You want to make sure that your kitten is safe as possible.

The next thing that you should do is make sure that the kitten has enough chew toys. This can help with a lot of oral activity, this being very important for the development of the kitten's gums and teeth. Another thing that you can do is grow your kitten some of their own grass. This will also help with their digestive system.

Kittens require a lot of attention, they have playful tendencies and if they do not get enough play time they may seem like they are attacking you. All they really want is an outlet for their destructive behavior.

Sometimes you can introduce another kitten to help with aggressive behavior issues. But that would be totally up to the owner. By bringing in another cat the kitten can take the aggressive behavior towards the other cat. And maybe the kitten is only trying to play; even if that is the case you do not want your feet attacked when your kitten decides that it wants to play. Kittens do need a lot of social interaction. Not just with the owner but with other animals too. If you bring a kitten into a house with a dog, you need to introduce your dog to the new kitten. This will be a big change for all of you. The cat and dog may not get along at first but they need to figure out between the two of them who has higher ranking in the house.

Remember when all of this is said and done you want to make sure that everyone is satisfied with the results. This will include your animals, children and yourself. Don't get stressed out, just hug your cat. It will all be ok. All cats will ever try to do is please you. They are not intending on making you mad they just may not know better yet. It all takes time to teach and learn. Just remember a few basic things. Make sure you pet is happy and healthy. Make sure your doing everything possible for your cat.